Upper Peninsula
Muzzle Loading Association

  News & Notes2018 →2018 International Postal Match Report

Final Results of the 2018 International Club Team Postal Matches

Here is a summary of the final results of the 2018 International Club Team Muzzleloading Monthly Postal Matches sponsored by the UPMLA. The matches began in January and were held monthly through June 2018.

The scores shown in the table are the sum of the five highest scoring targets submitted by each club for each month. The score of each monthly "winning" team is shown in bold print.

2018 January February March April May June
229-4x 235-2x 247-6x 230-2x 178-1x 2 247-6x
212 232-2x 250-13x 240-1x 237-5x 246-8x
196-9x 1 241-5x 249-11x - - - 3 244-10x 249-14x
232-1x 231-4x 231-4x 233-2x 237-4x 237-2x
172-2x 1 239-5x 250-9x 245-2x 238-1x 243-5x
226-4x 229-3x 245-2x 228-2x 226-1x 239-2x
205-1x 223 242-6x 224 232-4x 238-6x
Santa Cruz
238-4x 245-10x 250-12x 250-3x 230 247-11x
204-1x 129 2 236-5x - - - 4 - - - 4 221-3x

1. Only 4 shooters this month

2. Only 3 shooters this month

3. April targets shot in March, so were disqualified

4. Club did not shoot

. . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The nine clubs participating in 2018 (in alphabetical order) are:
  • Baraga Blackpowder Bunch shooting at Ottawa Sportsmen's Club, U.P. of Michigan
  • Crumlin Sportsmen's Association of London, Ontario, Canada
  • McKinley Mountainmen Muzzle Loading Rifle Club of Anchorage, Alaska
  • Menominee Ridge Runners from Wisconsin, shooting in Menominee, Michigan
  • Oakhurst Muzzleloading Group from Oakhurst, California
  • Rio Salado Sportsmen's Club from Mesa, Arizona
  • Santa Cruze Muzzleloaders shooting at Scotts Valley Sportsmen's Club, California
  • Voyageurs Muzzle Loading Rifle Club from Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
  • XY Company from Ringle, Wisconsin
At a monthly shoot of each club, every one of the shooters present fires six shots at identical paper targets, one target per individual shooter. The targets are placed 25 yards from the firing line. Every shooter of each club who participates is considered to be "on the team" for their club for that month.

[img:nn18-b1] Each club's postal match coordinator sends all the club's monthly targets to the UPMLA scoring person. After scoring each target, the five highest scoring shots on each shooter's target are counted toward the target score of 50 points maximum.

From the set of targets submitted by each club, the top-scoring five targets are selected and the scores summed to make up a club's monthly score. Thus, there are 250 possible points each month per club. Only the best five targets are selected because of differing numbers of shooters in each club, and differing numbers from month to month.

After all the targets are scored, the UPMLA scoring person mails score results to all the clubs in the competition. The results list the names and scores of all individuals from all clubs who shot during the month, and the total team scores based on each team's best five targets for the month.

For more information about the International Team Postal Match, go to the web page for UPMLA 2018 Events.

(The target image above shows scoring rings superimposed on an engorged wood tick with its external appendages trimmed using image manipulation. No actual ticks were harmed in this process.)

Copyright © Upper Peninsula Muzzle Loading Assn, Inc.   All rights reserved - 10Jul18