For several years, announcements of the Romp 'n' Stomp Rendezvous
held in September at Marathon in Northern Wisconin have been
listed in UPMLA News & Notes. (Link:
2020 Romp 'n' Stomp.) Numerous members of the
UPMLA usually attend the event.
Eric and Beth Carlberg, Rendezvous organizers and members of the
UPMLA, sent the following announcement on August 30, 2020:
I'm sure that this will be disappointing news to
many, but the
bottom line is that we just aren't comfortable hosting a large
gathering. It was a difficult decision, but we're looking
forward to better conditions in 2021.
We plan to hold the Mike Fink Shoot on April 24
and the Romp & Stomp on Sept 25-26, 2021.
We sincerely wish you all good health.