Upper Peninsula Muzzle Loading
Events →Archives →2017 →Fall Invitational
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2017 UPMLA Fall Invitational &
Sandra L. Henkel Memorial Shoot
Open Invitational: The shoot is open to any safe
shooter. (UPMLA membership is NOT required to participate.)
Date: Saturday, October 7, 2017
Location: Ottawa Sportsmen's Club, on Highway M-38
six miles west of Baraga, Michigan (Link to Ottawa Club web
Time: Registration 10:30 AM (Eastern time zone).
Shooting begins at 11:00 AM.
Fees: $3 entry fee.
[1] Muzzle Loading Firearm: Six shots at a
paper target. Standing offhand position. Five best hits will count
for score.
[2] Muzzle Loading Firearm: A "Best-X"
partner shoot. Each partner will fire two shots at a paper target
from standing offhand position. Partners will be selected sort of
haphazardly on site.
[3] Traditional Hawk and Knife Throwing:
Three throws with hawk and three with knife. Five best throws will
count for score.
[4] Traditional Longbow Shooting: Six shots
with longbow. Five best shots will count for score.
Firearms: Any traditional muzzle loading firearm --
sidehammer or underhammer, flint lock or percussion cap lock,
rifled or smoothbored, having open sights, using patched round
lead balls. Peep and optical sights are generally not permissible.
No handguns. Contact organizer (see below) with any questions
about what may be acceptable.
Awards: Individual trophies will be given to the top
three places in each of the four events. These fifteen trophies
have been donated by Jon Henkel in memory of Sandra and her
enthusiastic participation in shooting and throwing events.
The Sandra Lee Henkel Memorial Trophy, a new
traveling perpetual trophy from an anonymous donor, will be
awarded to the individual with the best aggregate score for events
1, 3, and 4. Scoring will be based on rank placement in each
Lunch: There will be a potluck lunch after the
shooting and throwing events. Participants should bring a dish
to share.
For further information please contact:
- Shoot Organizer: Jon Henkel
- UPMLA President: John Pera
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Muzzle Loading Assn, Inc. All rights reserved -